But I Mean, It's Definitely Also That. (AND AN UPDATE)
Published on my newsletter Jun 5th, 2023 11:00 AM
It has been a quiet, insightful, and restful week. I’ve been somewhat allowing myself to rest. Actually, I might say I in fact succeeded in giving myself at least one and a half days of complete, carefree, with no thoughts about doing anything or completing anything, rest.
I hope I’ll continue being able to find the freedom to feel safe within a restful non-movement-oriented day. I’m writing this by hand sitting in my backyard with this lovely Sunday Ohio sun beating down on me. There’s a really gentle and lightly cool breeze that makes this moment perfect to be a part of and difficult to share.
I felt it would be good to let you in on all the different moments I got myself into to bring about a little update. Short and sweet today.
Live Shows Watched
Cry it Out - Available Light Theater
McQueen - Evolution Theater
Movies Watched
Heat - Directed by Michael Mann
Closer - Directed by Mike Nichols
The Graduate - Directed by Mike Nichols
Knight of Cups - Directed by Terrence Malick
Song to Song - Directed by Terrence Malick
Blue Velvet - Directed by David Lynch
The Beguiled - Directed by Sofia Coppola
I kept it light at the gym for simple maintenance, and the allowance of breath through movement in my physical form. If you just sit around all day you won’t allow blood to move which will hurt more instead of recover. So keep a light movement practice on your rest days.
Lots of reading. After I write this I plan to finish Your Art Will Save Your Life by Beth Pickens
UPDATE Completed, and was a great short read. Major takeaways include:
Utilizing your unique artistic ability within the arts to be a political agent.
If you don’t ask for it you probably will not receive it. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
The Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Hiked with one of my best friends. Poignant takeaway:
It’s important, and also ok to take side quests to get overpowered in your path toward your main quest.
Wonderful coffee dates with friends. Lessons Gleamed:
You can find connections in this industry everywhere you are. Serving, dining, out for coffee, anywhere. Also to remember that we are meant to empathetically connect as human beings. This isn’t meant to be a lifelong networking event, we are building spiritual connections. They come and they go.
Talent is not geographical. I’ve played the role of “returning NYC artist” and it’s not enjoyable. There are people, always, better than you, different than you, unique from you, a different set of eyes than you. It takes a shift in mindset, looking a little harder, and a little closer to find these people. They are in fact there, and either you will find them, or they will find you.
I played volleyball with friends.
Met up with artists and wonderful individuals.
For the entirety of this day I reorganized, cleaned, and got myself set up for the re-entry into goal-oriented movement.
I have a few more things to think about as I enter into my week but here is where I’ll close off.
Something to take away from all of this is that there must be a balance of goal-oriented work and non-goal-oriented being. To act, and to be. It’s a balance, and finding that balance may not come easily. I feel seasons will come when your body will speak to you. Practice awareness and truly listen to what your body, heart, soul, and mind have to say. Act accordingly and those will be the steps to accomplish a closer relationship with our soul and physical being.
Enjoy the week my friends.
Much love today and every day,
Matt Piper 🐅🌱